We are excited to announce the release of version 0.8.1, featuring numerous fixes and enhancements.
Fixes and Improvements
Opening citation source documents in chat responses now opens the type of document correctly in the browser.
On mobile devices, action requiring “hover” over an element have been removed or replaced with a more suitable action for mobile devices.
Uploading a document and start asking questions about the document’s content no longer causes an error “A Problem on my side prevented me from responding”.
The Chat History panel now respects the deletion of sessions and will not revive a previous session after deletion in any order.
Image links from generated graphs are now working properly.
Added the ability to copy plain text in responses to the clipboard.
A message is now displayed to allow the user to extend the time out of the portal before it exits.
WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility concerns regarding tooltips have been addressed.
All chat content is now using the role=”log” for screen readers to be made aware of when the chat messages are added.
DOM order has been fixed to ensure the chat messages are in a logical reading order for accessibility purposes.
ALT-TEXT for “Clarity Platform” has been added for accessibility purposes.
Color contrast for focus indicators has been changed to meet accessibility requirements.
Status message icon has been modified with role=”img” and wrapped with an element containing role=”status” for accessibility need.
The remove file button has an appropriate label now.
The view prompt dialog box gets focused properly when it opens now.
Tab index is set correctly to “0” to the content of the “View Prompt” dialog to allow scrolling using the keyboard for accessibility needs.
Chats heading and individual chat heading are now <H2> headings for accessibility needs.